About Me

Tuneful Radio Station

Welcome to Radio Télé Unique, we’re a radio broadcasting service that belts out the best tunes around. You can listen to our sweet soundwaves from anywhere in the local area. If you’ve got a song request or a shout-out to pass, you can get in touch via the form below.

Efficient Services

We understand that when you’re waiting on the arrival of a cable and satellite installation technician it can often mean a day spent working from home. Our technicians arrive promptly and with all the relevant tools and experience to fit your satellite TV package quickly and efficiently. We have experience servicing a range of homes so don’t worry if you think your home installation service may be a bit too complicated for us – We’ve seen it all.

The Best Songs Are Right Here!

If you’re anything like us, you need some good jams to get you through the day. Our station airs a variety of different music shows for those who listeners who like a bit of variety throughout the day. Our DJs offer the best insights into new bands formed around the world, and there’s even time for some competitions to win sweet, sweet prizes. Tune in today to try us out, you won’t be disappointed.

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